Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Going Green. Literally.

Okay People, so I have tried to jump on the bandwagon of trying to "go green." I buy organic if I can, use all natural cleaners for my household chores, and cart my green reusable grocery bags to the supermarket. A good start, right? Well, apparently it is not enough for my sweet hubby. He came home last weekend with a package of new compact fluorescent light bulbs for our house. "Where are those going?" I asked.
"One of the lights on the bedroom fan went out" he said.
Great, I thought. Here we go. A few months ago he brought home some of the very same bulbs and put them over our dining table. I was just getting used to those, and now I was going to have them in my bedroom. Now I don't need to tell you all that fluorescent lighting can wreak havoc on a girl's complexion, do I? I was dreading the installation. Especially in my bedroom.
In about three minutes my husband had replaced all of the bulbs. He then made a move toward our bathroom. "What are you doing now?" I asked.
"I am going to replace the bathroom vanity lights too" he said.
Now he had gone too far. None of the lights were even out in the bathroom. I tried to convince him that it was not "green" to replace something that didn't need to be replaced yet and when that seemed to be failing me, I asked him why he didn't put them in our guest bedroom instead.
"Because we spend more time in here" was his reply.
"My point exactly," I told him.
He smiled, removed the bulbs and wandered off to the guest bedroom.
I guess I am just not ready for those bulbs to be everywhere in my house just yet. There are some places where you deserve to feel good about yourself and your bedroom and bathroom are some of them.
I joke with my husband that I look younger in a few rooms in our house rather than others now. Maybe if I save all of the incandescent bulbs that I could get my hands on, in a few years I could host dinner parties and compete with the Fountain of Youth down the street. I know people would be willing to pay big bucks to look younger on their dates.
It has been a few days now since my husband replaced the lights in our bedroom. They are beginning to grow on me. I like that I am doing something good for the environment, which in turn is also good for my children's future. As a stay at home mom who pinches ever penny, I also like the yearly savings we will reap from changing the bulbs. Slowly but surely, they are indeed winning me over.
Last night, as we were getting ready for bed, He mentioned that we both looked a little sallow under the lights. I agreed, but argued that the color is just a bit more "green."